World of Warcraft is always exciting at the very start of a new expansion when everything feels fresh. That means that for many players WoW TBC Classic Phase 1 is likely to be the most important one because this is when you start leveling up your characters and start experiencing the new content that awaits you beyond the Dark Portal. Similarly, Phase 1 is also when you should ideally start thinking about how to make gold for the coveted epic flying mount and various expensive items you’re going to need once you start raiding.
Progress focused on leveling up instead and began the instance with their players having at least an extra level over APES, securing a kill against High King Maulgar in three attempts. But they weren’t able to push any further, being wiped against Gruul due to having unsuitable items for the encounter. Even by following the required tactics, it wasn’t enough to pass through some DPS checks to take him down.

With TBC Classic, however, the alliance has lost this decisive advantage: Paladins and shamans are available to both factions. At the same time, some Horde races have great folk skills. Let's take boiling blood of the orcs, which in TBC not only increases attack power, but also increases spell damage. Or the trolls' speed buff through berserkers. Or the Arcane Stream of the Blood Elves, with which they can silence enemies and regenerate mana.
If you love crafting items that sell for heaps of gold on the auction house you’ll definitely want to pick up Leatherworking in TBC Classic Phase 1. That’s because there are more than two dozen Leatherworking recipes in this expansion that let you craft blue BoE gear, most of which come from various faction reputations. The easiest way to grind reputation with most of these factions is to run as many dungeons as possible. Ideally, you’ll want to start working your way towards that goal as you’re leveling up.
The next challenge for the guild will be the Phase Two raids, which will be released at an unknown time. Serpentshrine Cavern and The Eye in Tempest Keep will be coming at a later date, and while they’re theoretically harder than the currently available raids, most players managed to accumulate enough experience over the years by playing on various unofficial TBC servers. It’s unlikely that the bosses will manage to survive for longer than 24 hours once they’re released in the raids, and based on the current standings within TBC Classic, both APES and Progress will be making a run at it.
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