Fees affordable without stressing over whether they can build their sites on a part time basis! With the most popular service recently mailing list reviewing their pricing structure, a lot of part time people have been put off taking the plunge. And this is where I'm happy to review and recommend a service called WizardResponder.
They seem to have taken into consideration that there are more 'smaller' entrepreneurs looking to build a part time income and mailing list have that grow into something that can eventually replace their 'Job'. As opposed to the industry leaders who are investing in more & more complex features & facilities which appeal to the 'already wealthy' full time marketers.
That said - I have found that Wizard Responder does have many features that even full time marketers would be thrilled to have use of... **For Example - Look at this list taken from their salespage: unlimited mailing list autoresponders for your business. If you've got 5 Magical products or websites, set up 5 Wizard autoresponders.