QuickBooks Error Code 80070057 occurs when the user tries to open a company’s file which is either not downloaded or located on another computer. Some other possible reasons for the error are when the network data file is damaged or when the internet settings are incorrect. So, here are the steps that you can follow to fix the QuickBooks error 80070057.
Download the latest version of the QuickBooks Desktop application.
Check for internet connection.
Rename the Network Data (.ND) file.
Launch QuickBooks file doctor tool.
Restore your QuickBooks company’s file to the default location.
Run the QuickBooks server manager on your PC.
Manually Resolve Error 800070057
Browse to the location of your company file.
Look for the corresponding . ND file of your company file. Example: MyCompanyFileName.qbw.nd.
Right-click the . ND file, then select Rename.
Type in . old at the end of the file name. Example: MyCompanyFileName.qbw.nd.old.
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